April 8, 2013

Newera Resources to farm into South Gobi coal project - Proactiveinvestors (AU)

Newera Resources to farm into South Gobi coal project - Proactiveinvestors (AU): "The 43,830 hectare project lies 84 kilometres south of one of the world’s largest untapped coking and thermal coal deposits – the 6.4 billion tonne Tavan Tolgoi.

The Ulaan Tolgoi licence Newera is farming into is considered prospective for coal in concealed extensions of the late Permian coal bearing Tavan Tolgoi Group rocks of the South Gobi Basin.

Visible in satellite imagery, striking east to west through the south of the licence is the Sonduult thrust fault.

The fault is believed to be a potential extension of the Nariin Sukhait thrust fault that hosts large coal deposits 150 to 250 kilometres further west of Ulaan Tolgoi. "

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