April 9, 2013

Going Underground with the Homeless of Ulan Bator | VICE United States

Going Underground with the Homeless of Ulan Bator | VICE United States: "Photographer Mikel Aristregi really gets a kick out of photographing different ethnic regions and subcultures throughout Asia. His newest series, -40/96°, documents desolate, homeless people in Ulan Bator, Mongolia, who attempt to escape the bone-chilling cold by living in the intricate underground tunnels that house the city's hot-water pipes. Many of them are alcoholics too, getting wasted off of 200-proof Mongolian moonshine. Mikel's pictures feel as if they could have only been created by a compatriot of these doomed people, but Mikel was born in the Basque region of Spain, so despite his ethnic (and situational) remove, he's become adept at framing his photographs as if he were one of his subjects. I interviewed him to see how the hell he manages to overcome these barriers and make such immersive and emotionally intimate photographs."

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