March 15, 2013

Sanjay Singh addresses India-Mongolia dialogue

Sanjay Singh addresses India-Mongolia dialogue: "The theme you have chosen for today's discussions, "Emerging International Strategic Dynamics”, is both extremely interesting and of great topical relevance. The international strategic landscape is evolving faster and in more complex ways than ever. This is particularly true of Asia. In our own ways India and Mongolia are agents of some of the changes that are taking place. We are also impacted directly by fast moving developments in our near and extended neighbourhood. This Dialogue is thus also timely and important for both our countries.

India and Mongolia have extremely warm and friendly relations, both at the inter-governmental level and also in terms of cultural and people to people exchanges. I have always sensed great warmth and cordiality in my interactions with Mongolian officials and leaders and I am sure that my Mongolian colleagues will agree that the reverse is equally true.

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