March 7, 2013

Economic Forum 2013 aims to establish Mongolian brand | Ubpost News

Economic Forum 2013 aims to establish Mongolian brand | Ubpost News: "In his opening speech at the fourth annual Mongolia Economic Forum, which began on Monday, Prime Minister N.Altankhuyag spoke about creating a new global brand in Mongolia. The prime minister pointed out that some countries represent a brand themselves, such as Scotch whisky, Italian cuisine, French wine, Swiss watches and Japanese cars. Mongolia has yet to establish its own brand and unique signature in the world market. He remarked that he hopes Mongolia’s ‘brand’ will be the natural or organic agricultural products through which the Mongolian nomadic culture has been able to endure for centuries.
The Mongolia Economic Forum 2013 opened under the banner ‘Mongolian Brand and Opportunities’. More than 1,000 delegates participated in this year’s event, with delegates from the private sector, public organizations, and research institution as well as political figures. Participants discussed the opportunities and challenges facing Mongolia’s economy."

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