March 5, 2013

Bozeman explorer traveling to Mongolia

Bozeman explorer traveling to Mongolia: "If you're a teacher and want to integrate your class with an expedition to Mongolia, check out the Adventurers & Scientists for Conservation's website for information on founder Gregg Treinish's upcoming trip to Mongolia.

With a grant from National Geographic, Trenish and a team of three other explorers will travel to the northern-most portion of Mongolia -- the Darhad Valley -- to conduct the first wildlife survey of the region.

The team leaves in mid-March and expects to ski about 400 miles in search of signs of more than 20 species. "Our primary focus is on finding signs of wolverines," Trenish wrote in an email. "What excites me the most are the 50,000 students we hope to have follow our expedition as we circumnavigate the Darhad Valley. Working with Montana State University and National Geographic, we developed several lessons that teachers can use to follow the journey. Check out to sign up for updates, look over our scientific objectives, meet the team, and explore the resources for teachers that were created.""

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