Ruckus Smart Wi-Fi Bridges Digital Divide in Mongolia, Delivering... -- SUNNYVALE, Calif. and ULAANBAATAR, Mongolia, Feb. 25, 2013 /PRNewswire/ --: "The large-scale Wi-Fi network, known as the Community Involved Nomad Wi-Fi project, is currently being deployed by Nomsys throughout Ulaanbaatar, bringing Wi-Fi service to consumers and businesses via hundreds of Wi-Fi hotspots throughout the rural countryside where 70% of the city's one million residents live.
The goal of the Nomad Wi-Fi project is to make Wi-Fi access easy and ubiquitous within underdeveloped rural areas of the city's capital, for people who barely have essentials others take for granted, such as electricity, within their tents and houses. To build out its network footprint with wireless points of presence, Nomsys is deploying Ruckus indoor and outdoor access points (APs) in the city's suburbs as well as providing free Wi-Fi access points to select families that will, in turn, use that device to provide paid wireless access to others within a given area."
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