February 6, 2013

IU Kelley Partners With American University of Mongolia - Newsroom - Inside INdiana Business with Gerry Dick

IU Kelley Partners With American University of Mongolia - Newsroom - Inside INdiana Business with Gerry Dick: "A recently signed memorandum of understanding between the two institutions builds on long-running ties between IU and Mongolia.
IU is considered one of the world's leading centers of academic expertise in Mongolian Studies, and IU's Department of Central Eurasian Studies in the College of Arts and Sciences is the sole independent, degree-granting academic unit in the U.S. staffed with its own faculty of specialists in the region.

"This new program signifies our commitment to partnering with American University of Mongolia to offer new and innovative business education programs to meet the needs of this dynamic country," said Idalene Kesner, interim dean of the Kelley School and the Frank P. Popoff Chair of Strategic Management. "The growth that is occurring in Mongolia is exciting, and we are proud to be working to support the economic potential of the country through education.""

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