December 9, 2012

Mongolia-land of legends of secret agents | Ubpost News

Mongolia-land of legends of secret agents | Ubpost News: "The 80th anniversary of the establishment of the Special Archives of the General Intelligence Agency (GIA) of Mongolia is occurring soon. The Unuudur Newspaper has talked to the director of the Special Archives D.Budjav.
-Could you introduce briefly about the Special Archives of the GIA?
- The Special Archive of the GIA, one of the oldest archives in Mongolia, was established by order number 41 of the Director of Homeland Security Agency on February 10, 1932. The archives contains all the documents covering operations of the Homeland Security Agency since its establishment in 1922, and documents from the Police Department, Border and Home Military, and Rehabilitation Labor Organisation, all of which were affiliates of the former Ministry of Social Security that ceased operation in 1990."

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