December 7, 2012

In Mongolia, a backdoor to the Hermit Kingdom | GlobalPost

In Mongolia, a backdoor to the Hermit Kingdom | GlobalPost: "ULAN BATOR, Mongolia — They come and they go without much international fanfare: delegations of North Korean ministers in Mongolia, invited by the pro-Western government to discuss trade, cultural ties and questions of "mutual interest."

The specifics of these meetings are hard to nail down.

“The two sides exchanged views on the issue of further developing the exchange and cooperation between security organs of the two countries and matters of mutual concern,” one news release stated in November.

But unrevealing as these news releases may be, they hide a more interesting relationship: Mongolia, a fast-growing democracy whose mineral riches have made it the darling of global capitalism, has cultivated perhaps the warmest relationship of any country with the notorious Hermit Kingdom."

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