The Saker Falcon, National Bird of Mongolia, is it perishing by thousands? | Ubpost News: "-The falcon has recently been awarded and approved as the National Glorious Bird of Mongolia. What was the actual reason to select Falcon among other birds?
-Each country has its own national pride. It could be anything: flower, song, poem or literature. We had initiated the work to make Falcon the National Bird in 2009 with the joint team of ornithologists of the NUM and the Mongolian Ornithological Society deciding to submit a proposal to nominate this glorious animal the national bird. Thus, we had to choose the specific animal which satisfied the title. Namely, we thought of Mazaalai (Gobi Bear), reindeer, vole, frog etc. But we found out that over 2000 years ago, the Mongols who lived in the period of Kidan Empire used to revere a predator bird with excellent strength and gallantry. "
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