November 22, 2012

Mongolia: Filling energy deficit | Ubpost News

Mongolia: Filling energy deficit | Ubpost News: "Plans for a large power plant near Ulaanbaatar underline how Mongolia’s surging growth in resource revenues can be used to meet looming energy shortfalls in urban areas. However, more innovative sources are needed to supply power to the rural expanses of the country’s steppes.
In September, a group of foreign energy firms revealed plans to invest $1.3bn in a power plant near the capital. France-based GDF Suez, South Korea-based Posco Energy, Japan-based Sojitz and local firm Newcom developed the deal with the government under a 25-year power purchase agreement.
The facility, which is expected to be complete by 2016, will become the country’s fifth thermal power plant (TPP) and supply roughly half of Ulaanbaatar’s energy needs.
The coal-fired, combined heat and power plant will have an electricity capacity of 415 MW and a steam output for heating of 587 MW. The plant will have three circulating fluidised bed boilers that use efficient pollutant control measures. Construction is expected to begin in 2013, according to Sojitz officials."

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