March 24, 2012

REVE - Regulacin Elica with electric vehicles -

REVE - Regulacin Elica with electric vehicles -: "Wind power in Mongolia: first wind farm. Mongolia's first wind energy project, the 50 MW wind farm Salkhit, With GE's wind turbines, is getting $ 47 million from the EBRD in Investments. Clean Energy is 75 percent Clot Currently owned by Newcom and 25 percent Clot owned by the bank. The bank will take a weitere Also $ 4.4 million equity stake in Clean Energy. "The wind farm is Salkhit to Mongolia's flagship project for renewable energy. It marks the dawn for Mongolia's aspiration to becoming Asia's renewable energy champion, "said Bayanjargal Byambasaikhan, chief executive of Newcom."

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