March 23, 2012

REVE - Regulaci�n E�lica con Veh�culos El�ctricos -

REVE - Regulaci�n E�lica con Veh�culos El�ctricos -: "Mongolia's first wind energy project, the 50 MW Salkhit wind farm, with GE's wind turbines, is getting $47 million in investments from the EBRD.

Clean Energy is currently 75 percent owned by Newcom and 25 percent owned by the bank. The bank will also take a further $4.4 million equity stake in Clean Energy.

“The Salkhit wind farm is a flagship project for Mongolia’s renewable energy. It marks the dawn for Mongolia’s aspiration to becoming Asia’s renewable energy champion,” said Bayanjargal Byambasaikhan, chief executive of Newcom."

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