March 24, 2012

Phillip Norton In hot water, but making tracks into Mongolia | This is Grimsby

Phillip Norton In hot water, but making tracks into Mongolia | This is Grimsby: "As we head towards the 1,000km marker post, mobile phone signals are something of a rarity, and my new USB data modem stopped working as soon as we left Moscow.

Without my music and having to preserve the battery in my netbook, I read my Trans-Siberian handbook for a while, planning the next few weeks, and decided to explore the train.

I found it really comfortable, although I was told it was a very old train, and that the newer replacements are much better.

The only thing that was a bit grim was the bathroom – but even then, I've been in much worse.

I tried to get water out of the tap twice in there though, and without success. It had two big cogs above it, which I presumed were for hot and cold, but try as I might, I couldn't get any water out of the tap."

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