March 7, 2012

Mongolia Growth Group Ltd. Publishes February 2012 Monthly Letter to Shareholders - MarketWatch

Mongolia Growth Group Ltd. Publishes February 2012 Monthly Letter to Shareholders - MarketWatch: "February 2012 Shareholder Letter

To the Shareholders of Mongolia Growth Group Ltd.,

I would like to start the February letter by mentioning that we will be holding our annual general meeting on April 14th at 2:00PM at the Westin Harbour Castle, 1 Harbour Square, Toronto, ON M5J 1A6. Please email Genevieve Walkden at if you are interested in attending. Naturally, we look forward to seeing as many of you as possible.

February saw two big events for our company. The first of these was the one year anniversary of the founding of MGG. I don't need to reprise all that has happened in our first year, but a few key bullet points should be sufficient."

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