Local Fulbright Scholars Research Fish in Brazil, Teach English in Mongolia - Hot Off The Press (Release): "TUCSON, AZ – Two 2007 graduates of Green Fields Country Day School went on to graduate from Scripps College in Southern California and receive prestigious Fulbright scholarships to study abroad. They are classmates Anna Fiastro and Allison Kupsco. Kupsco is teaching English in Mongolia and Fiastro is headed later this month toMossorĂ³, Brazil.
Fiastro will work conduct research on integrated agro-aquaculture systems, with an eye toward making fish farming more sustainable while growing other food crops. She performed similar research on aquaculture at the University of Arizona with professor Kevin M. Fitzsimmons in the Environmental Research Lab in the summer of 2010. She connected with him through her Senior Masterworks project at Green Fields. After graduating from Scripps, she spent time in Trinidad, working on The Guppy Project, a study looking at the relationship between ecology and evolution."
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